
TotellGCCtoemitextrainformationforusebyadebugger,inalmostallcasesyouneedonlytoadd-gtoyourotheroptions.Somedebugformatscanco-exist ...,,DebugERROR:Youneedtospecifyadebuggerprograminthedebuggers'ssettings.(ForMinGWcompilers,it's'gdb.exe'(withoutthequote.,2021年2月22日—1、codeblocksdebug调试错误:DebugERROR:Youneedtospecifyadebuggerprograminthedebuggers'ssettings.(ForMinGWcompilers,it's ...,,2020...

3.10 Options for Debugging Your Program

To tell GCC to emit extra information for use by a debugger, in almost all cases you need only to add -g to your other options. Some debug formats can co-exist ...

codeblocks17.12 debug 报错:ERROR

DebugERROR: You need to specify a debugger program in the debuggers's settings.(For MinGW compilers, it's 'gdb.exe' (without the quote.


2021年2月22日 — 1、codeblocks debug调试错误: Debug ERROR: You need to specify a debugger program in the debuggers's settings. (For MinGW compilers, it's ...


2020年4月25日 — ERROR: You need to specify a debugger program in the debuggers's settings. (For MinGW compilers, it's 'gdb.exe' (without the quotes)) (For MSVC ...


2019年2月24日 — ERROR: You need to specify a debugger program in the debuggers's settings. (For MinGW compilers, it's 'gdb.exe' (without the quotes)) (For MSVC ...

How do you specify a debugger program in Code:

2014年1月13日 — In the Code::Blocks IDE, navigate Settings -> Debugger. In the tree control at the right, select Common -> GDB/CDB debugger -> Common.


2020年11月26日 — 文章浏览阅读2.2k次。1、今天出现无法调试的问题:提示ERROR: You need to specify a debugger program in the debuggers.